In prayer and meditation upon the word of God, I was given a vision.
I stood in another place and beheld an earthen vessel in a gloomy corner of a room. The color of the vessel was blue and as I studied, it appeared new and did not seem to have been used.
Then I saw water from above and without origin, streaming down into the pot, filling the vessel to the brim and the room with light and life. As the vessel reached its fullness, the water did not stop but rather came down all the more. The vessel was gushing forth and the water streaming to wherever it found rest.
The vessel then ascended into the air. Then I beheld glasses upon glasses, stacked as in a pyramid. The vessel that had ascended then tilted itself, pouring its living waters upon the glasses stacked below. The glasses were filled with all shades of different and bright colors. Each of them held their own distinct color, some with even two or three distinct and separate colors of water. The living waters coming above from the vessel that had ascended did not stop however, after they had filled the glasses. Rather they continued and pouring all the more, overflowing them as they shook from the force. Toppling to the ground, I stood in fear of them all shattering upon the impending impact. Yet not a one was broken, and they even stood upright in position, each with their own distinct hue of life giving waters inside.
As I stood perplexed in the application of the vision, I heard a small voice:
“This Vessel is my Living Sacrifice that is holy and without blemish. New and not yet used until the fullness of time had come. The glasses are the called and the ones who will answer and receive my Spirit. The waters gushing forth in an array of bright colors giving light and life are the gifts that are manifested through my Spirit which is poured down upon all who will receive.
At this, I worshipped and offered praise and thanksgiving for this vision which the Lord had shown and revealed to his servant.
30 August 2003
Let the heavens be filled with your wonder.
And the whole world be amazed by the works of your hands.
Yes, the things that have confounded men throughout the ages.
Still, there are a few faithful.
Those who know our origins are not of chance.
Those who are in awe of your majesty though they cannot comprehend it in fullness,
Offering praise and thanksgiving for what has been revealed.
How long should the rest refuse?
The ones, whom you have created, yet have rejected you.
Merciful Lord, they do not understand your longsuffering.
They mistake it for indifference and even non-existence.
All the while your hand is still stretched out.
Even your fingertips are extended until the last one shall acquire.
My God and my King, full of glory and all things incomparable.
And the whole world be amazed by the works of your hands.
Yes, the things that have confounded men throughout the ages.
Still, there are a few faithful.
Those who know our origins are not of chance.
Those who are in awe of your majesty though they cannot comprehend it in fullness,
Offering praise and thanksgiving for what has been revealed.
How long should the rest refuse?
The ones, whom you have created, yet have rejected you.
Merciful Lord, they do not understand your longsuffering.
They mistake it for indifference and even non-existence.
All the while your hand is still stretched out.
Even your fingertips are extended until the last one shall acquire.
My God and my King, full of glory and all things incomparable.
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